The entrepreneur in you needs some intelligent & motivating Movies as you plan to spend your weekend binge-watching and unwinding on your favorite recliner. 

Leave all your worries behind and look forward to having a very good time with these 5 movies that will give you plenty of ideas regarding cracking the hustle you’re involved in or the large investment you’ve made in your business.

1. The Wolf of Wall Street


The very handsome Leonardo DiCaprio speaks the gospel truth of what it takes to achieve materialistic success in life. You see him making it and breaking it. His rise and fall will leave you mesmerized. The special highlight is Mathew McConaughey who compares money to fairy dust. It will leave you smiling.

2. The Social Network


Based on Mark Zuckerberg’s story of how he came to found Facebook and eventually monetize it, the film makes a strong statement about originality and daredevil attitude. As Zuck in the film learns about the ups and downs in his journey of monetization and handling competition, you’d connect your challenges with his.

3. Up in the Air


George Clooney is handsome but there is another reason for watching this one. The film talks about human resources and the strategy to handle them when they are being let go. It is a good treatment of how to handle your team and how to empathize with them.

4. Chef


Chef is about this man trying to make a living from his new food venture. A food critic bashes up his set up. However, our hero does not give up and figures it all out. The critic resurfaces at the end and, well, things turn out well.

5. Chef’s Table


Ok, this is not a movie – it’s a series on Netflix. And it’s not explicitly about entrepreneurship either. But it’s a great series to watch to study how different chefs have created their own brands, and crafted beautiful journeys by paying a lot of attention to what they are delivering.

The series is a great lesson in positioning. And it’s amazing because, well, it’s just supposed to be food, right? Nope, food is a lot more than food. All the chefs are very inspiring. And all of them stand out for a different way they think about food and they way they showcase it to food lovers.

So these are our best picks for the entrepreneur in you.

Have you seen any interesting and inspiring movies lately that every entrepreneur ought to watch?  Do share your suggestions below.